Repórter japonês divulga fotos inéditas do Mundial do Grêmio em 83

Um fotografo japonês resolveu tirar do anonimato uma série de todos do jogo do Grêmio x Hamburgo que aconteceu em 1983, quando o Tricolor ganhou o título mundial. As imagens foram postadas no Twitter e impressionam pela qualidade. Aqui as fotos:
1983TOYOTA European and South American Cup (1983 Intercontinental Cup)
Grêmio (Brazil) 2-1 Hamburger SV(West Germany) at Tokyo National Stadium in Japan 11/12/1983
Photo by Masahide Tomikoshi/TOMIKOSHI PHOTOGRAPHY— tphoto (@tphoto2005) December 4, 2018
Mário Sérgio (Gremio)
1983TOYOTA European and South American Cup (1983 Intercontinental Cup)
Grêmio (Brazil) 2-1 Hamburger SV(West Germany) at Tokyo National Stadium in Japan 11/12/1983
Photo by Masahide Tomikoshi/TOMIKOSHI PHOTOGRAPHY— tphoto (@tphoto2005) December 4, 2018
Mário Sérgio, Paulo Roberto and Hugo de León(Gremio)
1983TOYOTA European and South American Cup (1983 Intercontinental Cup)
Grêmio (Brazil) 2-1 Hamburger SV(West Germany) at Tokyo National Stadium in Japan 11/12/1983
Photo by Masahide Tomikoshi/TOMIKOSHI PHOTOGRAPHY— tphoto (@tphoto2005) December 4, 2018
Ditmar Jakobs4(Hamburger SV) and Renato (Grêmio)
1983TOYOTA European and South American Cup (1983 Intercontinental Cup)
Grêmio (Brazil) 2-1 Hamburger SV(West Germany)
at Tokyo National Stadium in Japan 11/12/1983
Photo by Masahide Tomikoshi/TOMIKOSHI PHOTOGRAPHY— tphoto (@tphoto2005) December 4, 2018
Renato(Grêmio) celebrates after his 1st goal on 37min
1983TOYOTA European and South American Cup (1983 Intercontinental Cup)
Grêmio (Brazil) 2-1 Hamburger SV(West Germany) at Tokyo National Stadium in Japan 11/12/1983
Photo by Masahide Tomikoshi/TOMIKOSHI PHOTOGRAPHY— tphoto (@tphoto2005) December 4, 2018
Michael Schröder (Hamburger SV) scores goal on 85min
1983TOYOTA European and South American Cup
(1983 Intercontinental Cup)
Grêmio (Brazil) 2-1 Hamburger SV(West Germany)
at Tokyo National Stadium in Japan 11/12/1983
Photo by Masahide Tomikoshi/TOMIKOSHI PHOTOGRAPHY— tphoto (@tphoto2005) December 4, 2018
Renato (Grêmio)
1983TOYOTA European and South American Cup (1983 Intercontinental Cup)
Grêmio (Brazil) 2-1 Hamburger SV(West Germany) at Tokyo National Stadium in Japan 11/12/1983
Photo by Masahide Tomikoshi/TOMIKOSHI PHOTOGRAPHY— tphoto (@tphoto2005) December 4, 2018
Ditmar Jakobs (Hamburger SV) and Paulo César Magalhães (Grêmio)
1983TOYOTA European and South American Cup (1983 Intercontinental Cup)
Grêmio (Brazil) 2-1 Hamburger SV(West Germany) at Tokyo National Stadium in Japan 11/12/1983
Photo by Masahide Tomikoshi/TOMIKOSHI PHOTOGRAPHY— tphoto (@tphoto2005) December 4, 2018
Hugo de León(Grêmio) celebrates with Intercontinental Cup
1983TOYOTA European and South American Cup (1983 Intercontinental Cup)
Grêmio (Brazil) 2-1 Hamburger SV(West Germany)
at Tokyo National Stadium in Japan 11/12/1983
Photo by Masahide Tomikoshi/TOMIKOSHI PHOTOGRAPHY— tphoto (@tphoto2005) December 4, 2018
Grêmio team celebrate winning 1983TOYOTA European and South American Cup (1983 Intercontinental Cup)
Grêmio (Brazil) 2-1 Hamburger SV(West Germany) at Tokyo National Stadium in Japan 11/12/1983
Photo by Masahide Tomikoshi/TOMIKOSHI PHOTOGRAPHY— tphoto (@tphoto2005) December 4, 2018
1983TOYOTA European and South American Cup (1983 Intercontinental Cup)
Grêmio (Brazil) 2-1 Hamburger SV(West Germany) at Tokyo National Stadium in Japan 11/12/1983
Photo by Masahide Tomikoshi/TOMIKOSHI PHOTOGRAPHY— tphoto (@tphoto2005) December 4, 2018
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